Refresh the look

Blepharoplasty without surgery in Geneva, Switzerland

Blepharoplasty without surgery to correct beautify the look, it is possible thanks to aesthetic medicine treatments practiced in Geneva, Switzerland, within the Face Clinic Geneva. There is also talk of natural eyelid surgery by injections.

blépharoplastie sans chirurgie à Genève

Before detailing the blepharoplasty without surgery, which takes up our Chic Lift® concept intended to beautify the eyes naturally with injections, here is a presentation of surgical blepharoplasty which allows us to clearly understand the two procedures:

Surgical blepharoplasty in Geneva in Switzerland

Blepharoplasty is an act of cosmetic surgery that we perform in Geneva in our Face Clinic or in the Vergers clinics in Geneva or Genolier. This eyelid surgery is intended to beautify the look. In particular, it corrects drooping eyelids by removing excess skin and removing bags under the eyes.

There are 2 types of surgical blepharoplasty:

  • upper blepharoplasty, which treats the upper eyelids. It’s the one that helps soften a drooping upper eyelid that makes you look tired.
  • lower blepharoplasty, which treats the lower eyelids. This is the one we use when we want to remove a greasy pocket under the eyes.

Surgical blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that lasts approximately 1 hour. Bruises usually appear, and you should plan to withdraw from social life for 5 to 10 days. The scars are not very visible because we incise in the natural fold in the hollow of the eyelid or inside the lower eyelid to remove the pockets without removing skin.


Blepharoplasty without surgery in Geneva

Thanks to current techniques, it is now possible to beautify your eyes naturally and avoid cosmetic surgery. We offer a cosmetic medicine treatment in Geneva intended to beautify and rejuvenate the eyes: blepharoplasty without surgery, which takes up the concept of Chic Lift®.

Blepharoplasty without surgery is based on the combination of treatments for injectables: hyaluronic acid, botox (or botulinum toxin) and volumizing products.

In order to rejuvenate the look, we will work on its characteristic areas: eyelids, cheekbones and temples. To beautify the look, we will focus on working:

  • the convex and harmonious shape of the eyebrows,
  • the play of light and shadow on the eyelids,
  • the parallel of the 3 eyebrow / eyelid / eyelash curves,
  • the corner of the external eye higher than the corner of the internal eye: the almond-shaped eye
  • the smooth transition between the lower eyelid and the cheekbone: no dark circle


Eyelid injection surgery in Geneva, Switzerland

To achieve this in a gentle and natural way, Dr. Raspaldo, a cosmetic surgeon in Switzerland, works delicately with injections of the hollow temples, eyebrows, dark circles, hollow cheeks and cheekbones.

Thanks to the injections, we will thus redefine a harmonious curve in the shape of a “C” (hence the copyrighted name Chic Lift®) around the look which is characteristic of a young and luminous look like in all models, actresses, celebrities.

This is real natural eyelid surgery with injections.


Learn more about Chic Lift®.

See a video of blepharoplasty without surgery in Geneva by Chic Lift.

Feel free to contact us for any question.


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