Young people have one obsession these days: their image.
How they look on the social networks is an important issue, for instance, and many expert youtubers and online influencers are setting the example. They are experts in selfies, staging themselves in every possible way, making good use of the photo filters and all the digital photo retouching tools.
But what if it took just a minimal effort to naturally improve your image ? For instance, one small hyaluronic acid can make the difference.
The profile consists of the forehead, nose and chin. Analyzing all these elements often reveals the structural differences and the way they are balanced.
This is one of the main aspects that we will take into consideration during a consultation: we focus on the balance and harmony between these different areas : the upper face (forehead), mid-face (nose) and the lower face (lips and chin).
The shape of the nose and chin are important elements in the harmony of the face and the way we are generally perceived. A chin that is too small, it can make your face look too short. A excessively prominent chin on the other hand can give your face an aggressive look. In both cases, we can properly restore the chin’s shape with the help of superficial hyaluronic acid injectons that will correct the base or the tip of the chin.
There are different other non-invasive ways to improve the profile : dense hyaluronic acid injections can correct a receding chin, more fluid injection can enhance the lips volume, or reshape a flat forehead. These simple procedures have a rejuvenating effect and smooth the face features.
We call this profiloplasty: the global analysis of the face, taking into account all its different proportions. Treating only isolated elements of the face will not always provide satisfying results.