Expert masterclass in hyaluronic acid injection using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)
Expert masterclass in hyaluronic acid injection using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)
Dr Raspaldo shares his experience on art hyaluronic acid injections using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, for thé very first time in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia).
Trainings to learn facial beautification with injections of Juvéderm Volbella (Allergan products) for facial contour and volume (described as Facesculpture® technique)
is organised in 30 private hospital and clinics of plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology, to educate 100 medical doctors specialized in plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology.
Different kind of patients, male and female, from Saoudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE (Dubai, Abu Dabhi), Oman, and Tunisia, are treated for naso-labial folds, eyelids, nose(medical rhinoplasty), tear trough, jowls injection cheek bones injection jawline injection,chin injection, eyebrow injection, and hands injection.
Résults are more easily obtained rand faster as those hyaluronic acids get new scientific properties which help to reduce swelling. It gives a more natural result.