In the field of visual arts like sculpture and painting, beauty refers to a set of rules in terms of proportions and dimensions.
By extension, beauty is defined in the same way, and consists of almost divine proportions, at least according to the standards of a particular period of time in History.
But your beauty is timeless and knows no borders, whatever your age. Even if some faces become thinner, they still keep their radiance…
Your complexion has to look fresh in all circumstances, flawless, with or without make-up! Your life must be healthy, tobacco-free, and driven by passion! Different concerns come with each age, and cosmetic surgery is to be considered as one of your closest ally to help you maturing smoothly and in all confidence.
Beauty is actually a question of attitude, behaviour and philosophy of living.
As a cosmetic surgeon in Geneva, Dr. Raspaldo places the concept of ‘beauty and proportions’ at the heart of his concerns. In the framework of his research around the concept of “Heart of Face”, which later gave birth to the “Facesculpture” one, the harmony of the dynamics and volumes of the face, and the texture of the skin are key elements to a global rejuvenation of the face.
If you want to know more about facial rejuvenation by injections, do not hesitate to contact us