
How to create synergy between volumizing products and fillers in the global face rejuvenation

The purpose of this article is to provide expert consensus on facial rejuvenation using a combination of volumizing products (Juvéderm® VOLUMA®), filling products (Juvéderm® Ultra product line) and botulinum toxins. The Juvéderm product line uses innovative 3D technology, producing a consistent and homogeneous gels with measurable, long lasting and natural results.

The products are easy to use by practitioners and are well tolerated by patients. When combined, they offer additional benefits compared to the use of a single product. Practitioners also conduct a global analysis of the face anatomy, the aging process and the available treatment options, in order to determine the best possible product combination to be used.

Topics :
Global face rejuvenation
botulinum toxin injections
Hyaluronic acid injections
Fillers and volumizing product injections
Treating the face volumes

Read the full article on the volumizing products and fillers

Dark circles treatment with Juvéderm Voluma injections

Juvéderm Voluma injections in the mid-face, Juvéderm Smile in the lips and Juvéderm Ultra in the nasolabial folds and the dark circles

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Duration of results when using a lidocaine mix with hyaluronic acid as a filler

Using a new filler that contains hyaluronic acid and 0.3% of lidocaine (previously incorporated) reduces the pain and improves the patient’s comfort during the procedure. In vitro studies confirm that this product performs similarly to its lidocaine-free predecessors in terms of safety and efficacy. However, very few data is available on the duration of this improved product.

A study was conducted in order to determine if adding lidocaine affects the longevity of results when using hyaluronic acid as a filler.

During this study, 60 patients with severe bilateral nasolabial folds received either 24 mg / ml of hyaluronic acid with lidocaine, or a similar, lidocaine-free product. The results were monitored for 76 weeks.

The study revealed significantly better results for Hyaluronic Acid with lidocaine in terms of reducing pain and discomfort during and after the injection. Long-term follow-up of patients showed that 91% (52/57) presented no facial asymmetry after nearly a year. The researchers confirmed that lidocaine did not affect the filler’s longevity.

Topics :
Hyaluronic acid injections
Treating wrinkles with injections

Read the full article on the use of hyaluronic acid with lidocaine

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Recommendations on the consensual use of Juvéderm Voluma

It is generally recognized that deficient volumes have a negative impact on the aesthetic look of a face. This is why several specific procedures have been developed in order to restore volumes and treat the aging face.

Restoring volumes has become fundamental for the minimally invasive multimodal approaches to facial cosmetic treatments. Juvéderm® VOLUMA belongs to the Juvéderm’s hyaluronic acid product line. It is intended to be injected between the deep dermis and the periosteum, in order to restore volumes and improve 3D facial rejuvenation.

Our studies highlight the fact that Juvéderm Voluma is suitable for patients requiring volume rebuilding or full restoration, as well as face contours redefining. It can be used on the malar area, the chin, the jaw and the cheeks. Like all hyaluronic acid products, Juvéderm VOLUMA has reversible and absorbable properties and offers a high level of effectiveness with lasting results.

Topics :
Hyaluronic acid injections for restoring volumes in the cheeks, the chin, the jaw
Hyaluronic acid injections for the face contours

Read the full article on the volumizing effect of hyaluronic acid

Read the full article on Juvéderm use recommendations

© Dr Hervé Raspaldo – The “beauty triangle”: Heart of Face – injections in the lion’s wrinkle, in the midface, in the upper lip contour, in the nasolabial folds.

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3D global face rejuvenation using Botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid

A global approach for a natural looking rejuvenation: recommendations for volume restoration and the periocular treatment

New techniques and products have made it possible to develop a global approach when it comes to treating signs of aging. However, the procedures involved in this approach are poorly documented and so far, none of the existing recommendations has been widely and formally validated.

Therefore, based on expert consensus recommendations, we decided to provide a detailed and practical guide on restoring volumes in the midface and rejuvenating the periocular area. We explored the advantages of treatment combinations, like botulinum toxin and Hyaluronic Acid injections and volumizing products combinations. This global approach will help providing optimal results.

Topics :
Face rejuvenation, global approach, volume restoration, Facesculpture®

Read the full article on the 3D global approach and on periocular cosmetic treatment

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Reducing dark circles and hollows under the eyes with hyaluronic acid injection into the periocular area

As the years go by, dark circles tend to show up under the eyes. Sometimes they turn to even darker colors, which makes the face look dull. But there is an effective procedure against this almost unavoidable change : the hyaluronic acid injections, to which the practitioner will add lidocaine, a soft, cohesive and long lasting gel. A volumizing product in the mid-face and the periocular area can be used in addition. Thanks to this simple procedure, the face will recover its natural radiance.Topics :
Hyaluronic acid injections for the dark circles treatment

Read the full article on the dark circles treatment

Lower eyelid treatment and reduction of the dark circle effect – © Dr Hervé Raspaldo

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Consensual practice recommendations for botulinum toxin injections in the upper and mid-face: forehead-glabella-crow’s feet-eyebrow-eyelid-nose

botulinum toxin is a natural injectable product used since 1974. It was first approved for cosmetic indications in anti-aging treatments in the US in 2002.

botulinum toxin is indeed a muscle relaxant and botulinum toxin injections can correct wrinkles that occur because of frequent muscle contractions. We conducted a survey in order to identify current practices in France. Its goal is to provide practice recommendations for treating the aging upper and mid-face with botulinum toxin.

General considerations, main treatment rules, injection specifications (dose, site and techniques), associated procedures / treatments and follow-up were defined for each face area, ie the glabellar forehead, horizontal forehead, lion’s wrinkles and crow’s feet, lower eyelids, and eyebrow repositioning and reshaping. For the consensus participants, the botulinum toxin use is a global, both preventive and corrective treatment.

Topics :
botulinum toxin injection for glabellar wrinkles
botulinum toxin injection for the lion’s wrinkle
botulinum toxin injection for drooping eyebrow / to improve the eyebrow shape

Learn more about botulinum toxin injections

Read full article 

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The EarFold implants, a new technique for protruding ears

Are you uncomfortable with the look of your protruding ears but you don’t really feel like undergoing surgery ?

Then this revolutionary technique might be the best answer for you : the EarFold implants technique.

A very small and hardly noticeable incision allows us to place the implants under the skin. They will bend the ear, changing its positioning and bringing it closer to the head.

The whole procedure take only about 15 to 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. The results are immediate and long lasting!

For more information on the Earfold implants, click here.

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Modeling with injections

Modeling with injections
Chin ans Lips modelling with a soft HA gel.
Immediate result in our Cannes Clinic!

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Injection course of PRP and Fat grafting at Dr Cornette de St Cyr, Plastic Surgeon – Paris

Injection course of PRP and Fat grafting at Dr Cornette de St Cyr, Plastic Surgeon – Paris
Dr Raspaldo enjoyed a practical live session of PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets) injections for facial revitalization and tear-trough. There he learned Fat grafting injections for face and cheeks.

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Best injection practice with fillers and botulinum toxin on Saoudi Arabian patients in Jeddah

Best injection practice with fillers and botulinum toxin on Saoudi Arabian patients in Jeddah
Dr Raspaldo has trained the best plastic surgeons and dermatologists in Jeddah (KSA) about best practice for facial injections of the Nose, Wrinkles, Eyes, Chin, Eyebrows and Lips. This top injection is a beautiful facial rejuvenation for a Saoudi princess (Cleopatra Nose-Lift®)

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Remerciement Lifting

Remerciement Lifting
“Bonsoir Docteur,

Merci de notre échange ce soir, de votre disponibilité et de vos conseils.

Une nouvelle fois merci pour votre travail remarquable. 3 semaines après le résultat esthétique est exceptionnel. Je resterai à l’écoute de vos avis lors de ma prochaine visite.
1 an d’attente pour de nouvelles actions à l’échelle d’une vie lorsque l’on à

la chance d’etre en bonne santé ce n’est rien…
Au plaisir bien à vous Ghislaine”

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Facial injection course at the Pallas clinic in Olten Switzerland

Facial injection course at the Pallas clinic in Olten Switzerland
Facial injection course sponsored by Allergan to educate Swiss experts in Plastic surgery to the Facesulpture® – Magnificent Seven – concept of facial beauty using all Juvéderm and Vycross products : Volbella, Volift and Voluma in Olten (Switzerland)

Thanks :

Envoyé : lundi 1 décembre 2014 10:43
À : Herve Raspaldo (
Objet : Your Workshop in Olten

Cher Monsieur

Pour votre exzellent workshop le vendredi dernier je vous remercie beaucoup.

Je suis tres curieuse a lire votre texte, que j’attends des collegues.

Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag und eine geruhsame Adventszeit

Herzlichst Ihre Susanne Gleissner

Dr. Susanne Gleissner

Facharzt für Dermatologie FMH

Leitende Oberärztin

Pallas Klinik Haut und Venen
Limmatstrasse 252

CH-8005 Zürich

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