


Anatomical features of periorbital area (how to provide safe treatments and to avoid complications in this area).
Author injection techniques of step-by step global correction (indications and contraindications of periorbital area injections, using full facial portfolio: botulinum toxin, Vycross)
Patients assessment: long-term treatment planning, mapping.
Live injections (eyebrow correction, volumizing techniques for maximizing effect: temples, cheek-bones, tear trough correction, botulinum toxin injections in different faces).

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Expert masterclass in hyaluronic acid injection using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)

Expert masterclass in hyaluronic acid injection using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)

Dr Raspaldo shares his experience on art hyaluronic acid injections using Juvéderm Volbella to correct facial volume loss, for thé very first time in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia).
Trainings to learn facial beautification with injections of Juvéderm Volbella (Allergan products) for facial contour and volume (described as Facesculpture® technique)
is organised in 30 private hospital and clinics of plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology, to educate 100 medical doctors specialized in plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology.
Different kind of patients, male and female, from Saoudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE (Dubai, Abu Dabhi), Oman, and Tunisia, are treated for naso-labial folds, eyelids, nose(medical rhinoplasty), tear trough, jowls injection cheek bones injection jawline injection,chin injection, eyebrow injection, and hands injection.
Résults are more easily obtained rand faster as those hyaluronic acids get new scientific properties which help to reduce swelling. It gives a more natural result.

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Workshop Facesculpture in Cannes 14th May 2014 for the Cannes Film Festival opening

Workshop Facesculpture in Cannes 14th May 2014 for the Cannes Film Festival opening


FaceSculpture® Masterclass
At Dr Hervé Raspaldo private Cannes Clinic – France

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Visit of Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic in Dubai (U.A.E.)- Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib medical group

Visit of Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic in Dubai (U.A.E.)- Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib medical group
Visit for futur partnership with Plastic surgery & Cosmetic dermatology Clinic of Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib (medical group) for consultation of Face & neck surgery and injections of Hyaluronic acid botulinum toxin for facial wrinkles.

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Publication of a new botulinum toxin article at the canadian congress American Society for Dermatologic Surgery ASDS- Nov2014 in San Diego

Publication of a new botulinum toxin article at the canadian congress American Society for Dermatologic Surgery ASDS- Nov2014 in San Diego
Evolution of Facial Aesthetic Treatment Over 5 or More Years: An International, Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Analysis of Continuous OnabotulinumtoxinA Treatment

Objective: Assess the evolution of facial aesthetic treatment in patients receiving long-term continuous treatment with onabotulinumtoxinA.

Study Design: This international, retrospective chart review included patients aged 18 years or older at the time of their first onabotulinumtoxinA aesthetic treatment and a history of 5 or more years of continuous onabotulinumtoxinA treatments (yearly average 2 or more treatments, including 1 or more glabellar lines [GL] treatment/year for 5 or more years). Medical records were reviewed for facial areas treated with onabotulinumtoxinA, number of treatments, dosage per facial treatment area, concomitant facial aesthetic procedures and treatments, and onabotulinumtoxinA-related adverse events (AEs), thus providing extensive data on the progression of patients’ aesthetic treatments and clinical trends during the period of widespread adoption of injectable aesthetic treatments.

Results: Of 207 patients included, 194 met criteria for the per-protocol analysis. Patients were treated with onabotulinumtoxinA for a mean of 9.1±2.9 years (range 5.0-16.8) and data were collected from 5112 treatment sessions, of which 4402 sessions included treatment for GL. Mean age at first injection was 46.3±9.9 years. The longer patients were treated, the younger they perceived themselves to look. GL treatment temporally preceded crow’s feet lines (CFL), followed closely by forehead lines (FHL). Dosing in GL and CFL remained relatively stable over the period 1999 to 2012, although FHL dose decreased. A majority of patients (85%; 165/194) received treatment with fillers, of which 111 began, on average, 38 months after first onabotulinumtoxinA treatment. The remainder received fillers previously (n=25) or began in the same year (n=29). In addition to a cumulative increase in onabotulinumtoxinA treatments in GL, FHL, and CFL over time, there were increases in facial aesthetic treatments with injectable fillers, energy-based devices, and prescription topical creams. AEs were infrequent, mostly mild in severity, and declined markedly over the first year of treatment.

Conclusions: This study shows that continuous onabotulinumtoxinA treatments over several years are safe and can be used in conjunction with other aesthetic treatments. Patients receiving continuous onabotulinumtoxinA treatment perceived themselves to look younger than their actual age.

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Poster publication on peri-ocular area with Hyaluronic Acid

Poster publication on peri-ocular area with Hyaluronic Acid
Injection of a new Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in the peri-ocular area to reduce tear trough deformities and sunken eyes: retrospective study based on 120 cases

Periocular rejuvenation using injectable fillers can create outstanding clinical results and provide practitioners with less invasive treatment options. This study showed the benefits of Volbella, administered alone or in combination with Voluma, as evidenced by both patient and physician assessments. The duration of effect was prolonged, with highly significant benefits being seen up to 12 months. Both cannula and needle injection techniques resulted in good or optimal efficacy for at least 93% of patients. Treatment was well-tolerated, no severe or long-term AEs reported, and particularly of note, no lumps, nodules nor Tyndall effect were seen.

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Poster Publication on botulinum toxin at the AMEC 2013 congress – Paris

Poster Publication on botulinum toxin at the AMEC 2013 congress – Paris
Patient Satisfaction and Safety of 4402 Glabellar Treatments with OnabotulinumtoxinA Over 5 or More Years

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Juvéderm Voluma Volift facial injection for Specialists in Plastic surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)

Juvéderm Voluma Volift facial injection for Specialists in Plastic surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia)
Center of excellence for medical treatment in the Middle East, Riyadh is the capital of the plastic surgery & cosmetic dermatology. The best doctors from the top beauty Clinics & Hospitals shared their training with Dr Raspaldo for injection of Juvederm Voluma Volift ( in cheekbones, nose, tear trough, chin, temple, lip, brow, eyebrow, hand and jowls).


Dr Raspaldo shares his experience on art hyaluronic acid injections using Juvéderm Voluma Volift to correct facial volume loss, for thé very first time in Riadh (Saoudi Arabia).
Trainings to learn facial beautification with injections of Juvéderm Voluma Volift (Allergan products) for facial contour and volume (described as Facesculpture® technique)
is organised in 30 private hospital and clinics of plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology, to educate 100 medical doctors specialized in plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology.
Different kind of patients, male and female, from Saoudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, UAE (Dubai, Abu Dabhi), Oman, and Tunisia, are treated for naso-labial folds, eyelids, nose(medical rhinoplasty), tear trough, jowls injection cheek bones injection jawline injection,chin injection, eyebrow injection, and hands injection.
Résults are more easily obtained rand faster as those hyaluronic acids get new scientific properties which help to reduce swelling. It gives a more natural result.

Thanks from a doctor :

> Bonjour Docteur;
> Merci beaucoup pour une expérience extraordinaire aujourd’hui. Les résultats étaient magnifique; avez-vous travailler comme un magicien avant??
> C’était vraiment mon plaisir de vous rencontrer ce matin et mon honneur à injecter avec vous.
> J’espère que vous appréciez votre séjour à Riyad.
> Regards;
> Dr Eissan Ahmad Adel
> A Zallal – Tahleya branch

Patient from Egypt

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AMWC 2014 – 12th Anti Aging & Medical Aesthetic World Congress

AMWC 2014 – 12th Anti Aging & Medical Aesthetic World Congress

Lectures of Dr Raspaldo at the AMWC

Wednesday 2nd April 2014 – Auditorium Camille Blanc from 13h30 to 15h30 – Session : FACE – part 1 (Temples, Forehead & Periocular area)

Friday 4th April 2014 – Salle des Princes- Symposium Allergan from 8h30 to 19h30

Saturday 5th April 2014 – Salle Nijinski – Focus Session : Injection in the Temples

Saturday 5th April 2014 – Auditorium Prince Pierre – Focus Session: Injection in Tail of the Eyebrow

Dr Raspaldo – Facial Plastic surgeon in Cannes – has injected numerous patients on live in Genève at the AMWC to show quality, safety and efficiency of Juvéderm Volbella, Volift, Voluma and botulinum toxin to correct eyelids, temples, eyebrows, brow, nose and facial wrinkles.

Cher Hervé,

Je suis enchantée de faire votre connaissance.
It was a great pleasure sitting next to you at the Gala dinner on AMWC 2014 in Genève and having the chance to discuss with you. I would like to keep in touch and hope to meet you again at a conference soon or, hopefully, attend one of your masterclasses in Cannes. You are an inspiration to all new doctors in Aesthetic Medicine.

Kind Regards,
Vanessa Kyriazi – Moraitis

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Plastic surgery clinics visits in London

Plastic surgery clinics visits in London
Dr Raspaldo is board certified in UK for facial plastic surgery. In London to consult nose, face-lift, botulinum toxin injection.

Amazing consultation to assess a beautiful result of a rhinoplasty of an opera singer, 9 years later.

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Advisory Board to organize Masterclass about facial injections in France

Advisory Board to organize Masterclass about facial injections in France
PARIS – Allergan advisory board AMI/FRANCE

Consensus around anatomy of the face and neck, facial volume, contour and wrinkles, hyaluronic acid specificities, natural result, mumber of doctors and patients, clinics, prices showing botulinum toxin, Juvéderm ,Voluma injections.

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Volift Launch – Kiev

Volift Launch – Kiev

Injection technique for facial rejuvenation with Juvéderm Volift in Kiev (Ukraine)
Le Dr Raspaldo – facial plastic surgeon in Cannes launched Juvéderm Volift in Kiev for facial injections and beautification of the face, eyebrows, temples, nose (medical rhinoplasty) cheeks and lips –

300 Cosmetic doctors and plastic surgeons attended, even with the crisis in Ukraine.

Birthday cake on podium In Kiev for Juvederm Volift launch

“Dear Herve,
Thank you for coming to Ukraine in such hard time. Everybody is afraid to visit us. Your visit was very important for us. You supported us. You are admired and praised here. And I am proud of you. ”
Magdalyna Al Nagash

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