

Thank you for botulinum toxin !

Thank you for botulinum toxin !
Date: 28 août 2014 20:13:47 UTC+2
Objet: Thank you for BOTULINUM TOXIN

Hi Dr Raspaldo!

Thank you so very much for seeing me today and being so generous! Im very lucky! It was great to see you, and Im glad you are so well.

I hope you had a Cannes afternoon and got to see your daughters.

When you have a spare moment will you send me my images you took of my nose. I want to show mum.

Thank you very much again and see you soon!!


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Eiffel Tower Nose-Lift®, Profiloplasty and Chic-Lift®

Yesterday we made injections in Masterclass sessions in Grasse, on a patient for a medical rhinoplasty (Effeil Tower Nose Lift®), a profiloplasty and a Chic Lift®.

This patient wished to testify of her experience:

“Hello Hervé,
Congratulations and thank you for this remarkable demonstration last night.
What a brio, what an admirable talent and how easy it is.
Many thanks !
To beauty, to talent, to opera our passion.
A thousand beautiful things and successes.
Have a good day

What is the Eiffel Tower Nose Lift®?
It is a concept of medical rhinoplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid by recreating in successive stages the various stages of the Eiffel Tower: its solid base, its majestic body and the graceful tip.

What is Chic Lift®?
Excerpt from our article on Facesculpture, global rejuvenation of the face:

“The eye, the jewel of the eye, is magnified by its box made, above, concentrically, the crown of the forehead, a slight temporal convexity, a convex eyebrow reflecting the light, a well drawn eyelid without notch or ptosis, a smooth transition between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, and below, a convexity of the malar apex and a short lower eyelid, in gentle transition with the cheek. No unsightly shadow between forehead and cheekbones forms an elegant “C” (Chic-Lift®) found in all young and attractive faces, and recreating this smooth transition with injectables is our goal. ”

As for the profiloplasty, this is an intervention to correct the profile of the patient:
– whether surgical with rhinoplasty and implant – chin prosthesis in the same session, outpatient
– or medical: injection of the chin with hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin

Watch this video on Injections in the chin

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En février dernier j’ai eu l’occasion de me rendre en Azerbaïdjan pour participer au lancement de la toxine botulique.

Nous remercions chaleureusement toutes les personnes rencontrées à Bakou lors de mon séjour à + de 4000 kilomètres de là…

Voici les témoignages qui me m’apportent l’audace et la motivation de bien faire mon métier.

“Dear Herve,
Thanks for the visit to Baku! We fascinate with your professionalism and fascination.
Many famous speakers came here, but your visit is special.
Thanks for the marketing!
I hope that you will see Baku more than once and we will find joint interests.

Yours sincerely,
Elshan Mammadov
PhD, Director of Azeri Med Branch Companies
Baku, Azerbaijan

“ Dear Hervé,

Just a quick note coming from my side – it was a pleasure and honour to have you as our key Faculty during the botulinum toxin Launch last week in Baku,
The mere fact that 300 injectors were invited, and close to 500 of them attended the botulinum toxin launch on 2nd February (every second aesthetic doctor from Azerbaijan!) – shows how immense the interest is – for Allergan products, and for Your views, thoughts, insights and magic – on stage, and during the live injections!
Not only that you did a superb job with introducing botulinum toxin to the audience, but you also re-established the Juvederm Vycross collection as their products of choice for getting the best of results in treating the periorbital region!
All backed-up by practical tips and tricks during the 20:1 Masterclass for their top injectors, taking place on 3rd February in Kepro Clinic.
Thank you for attending all of the TV shows, interviews and filming sequences, and thank you for drinking coffee and chatting with Azerbaijani celebrities!
Most of all, thank you for accepting the colourful Azerbaijani culture so openly!”

Tea Andabaka PhD

Rédaction  : Thomas Josse

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Témoignage d’une patiente sur son lifting du cou

Témoignage d’une patiente sur son lifting du cou
Je remercie Frances, une patiente irlandaise, qui m’a fait confiance pour son opération de lifting du cou. Elle est venue à Cannes sur les recommandations de plusieurs confrères chirurgiens esthétiques et dermatologues esthétiques de Dublin :

“Greetings from Ireland !!!
I hope you are all very well ! I wanted to let you know how very pleased I am with my surgery ! Everything has settled down now – still a little numb in places but as time goes by I’m sure that will all disappear – Herve did a fantastic job – God bless his hands ! I am very grateful for all the care you all gave me – Heartfelt thanks xx
Kind regards

En savoir plus sur le lifting cervico-facial

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Témoignage d’Isabelle suite à son Lifting

Témoignage d’Isabelle suite à son Lifting
Voici le témoignagne d’une patiente qui a tenu spontanément à témoigner de son expérience de Lifting au sein de ma Cannes Clinic. Merci à vous Isabelle pour vos mots !

“Cher Docteur,
Un petit mot pour faire part, à vous et votre équipe, de ma grande satisfaction, tant sur votre accueil et professionnalisme que sur le résultat obtenu.
A 45 ans, mon visage commençait à subir les lois de l’apesanteur, et mon reflet me convenait de moins en moins
Après diverses lectures et autres investigations, seul un mini lifting, ou lifting préventif, pouvait remédier à cela sur le long terme.
Toutes mes recherches indiquaient votre grande expérience en chirurgie esthétique du visage (un article dans un ouvrage sur la Chirurgie Esthétique m’avait déjà soufflé votre nom, confirmé par des connaissances).
Dès le premier rendez-vous, j’étais en totale confiance.
Accueil chaleureux, explications claires, documentations et devis communiqués, je ressors de votre cabinet en sachant que je sauterai le pas.
L’intervention est prévue moins de 2 mois après. Frédérique et Macha m’informent de tout ce dont je dois prévoir.
Le jour J même pas peur, je sais que je suis entre de bonnes mains.
Anesthésie « locale » sous neurolept, je fais des looping et me rends compte de rien.
Je reste une nuit à la clinique, avec mon beau bandeau, bichonnée par les infirmières.
Retour chez moi le lendemain de l’intervention, avec 2 bleus, vive le fond de teint compact.
Pas de douleur, des tensions et la sensation de visage gelé.
Éviction sociale et repos total pendant 5 jours, enfin une bonne excuse pour ne rien faire…
Je reprends le travail 15 jours après l’intervention, le visage frais, tonique, rajeuni naturellement dans le plus grand secret.
On me complimente, m’attribue une mine superbe, et moi je me trouve magnifique !
Je me félicite d’avoir fait appel à vous pour effectuer cette intervention, le résultat est à la hauteur de mes attentes, beau et naturel.
Je le referai, sans aucune hésitation.
Avec tous mes remerciements,
Bien à vous.

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Remerciement Lifting

Remerciement Lifting
“Bonsoir Docteur,

Merci de notre échange ce soir, de votre disponibilité et de vos conseils.

Une nouvelle fois merci pour votre travail remarquable. 3 semaines après le résultat esthétique est exceptionnel. Je resterai à l’écoute de vos avis lors de ma prochaine visite.
1 an d’attente pour de nouvelles actions à l’échelle d’une vie lorsque l’on à

la chance d’etre en bonne santé ce n’est rien…
Au plaisir bien à vous Ghislaine”

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Thanks for One to One Masterclass – Dr Simone Doreian – September 2014

Thanks for One to One Masterclass – Dr Simone Doreian – September 2014
From : Simone
Subject : thanks
To : Hervé Raspaldo

Dear Hervé,
I wanted to thank you for the one to one Masterclass sessions this year and have recommended the experience to practitioners I teach- from beginners to very advanced injectors. My patients certainly have benefited from the honed skills I returned with, they love the ‘French touch’ ! …and my own workshops/ lectures are also much clearer, simpler and focused thanks to you. A great way to take a European holiday on the Côte d’Azur and fit in a little ‘work’ alongside, and One to One learning is so much more valuable and effective than sitting in an audience, watching a lecture then injecting on a big screen in 2D.

All the best for the rest of the year to you, and to your great staff too. I would steal them if I could!

Warm Regards

Dr Simone Doreian MBBS
Erase Aesthetic Services
188 Glenferrie Rd
Malvern VIC 3144

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Workshop – Masterclass – Thanks

> Destinataire: Herve Raspaldo <>
> Objet: Miss u at APMAC Korea
> I had a talk yesterday and it went well and I thought of you and your training us… I owe a lot of my training success to you and wanted to say thank you,
> Miss you at APMAC
> Dr Chytra V Anand
> Founder &
> Cosmetic Dermatologist
> Kosmoderma Clinics
> + 91 9845770005

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