Our aesthetic surgery clinic, Geneva Face Clinic has received the 2018 ISO certification, as an aesthetic medical center recognized by an independent authority.

After receiving this certification at the Cannes Clinic in 2017, we were committed to offer the same  quality service to our patients in Geneva. This is the first time that a cosmetic medical center is accredited in Switzerland.

The aim of the ISO certification in cosmetic medicine is to guarantee qualified skills and a high quality of services, from receiving patients to organizing and performing specific treatments.

It’s a constant commitment that pays off every day, because our patients respond to it positively and we work in perfect confidence.

The service excellency is our goal as we receive our patients at Imaderm, in the heart of Geneva, an aesthetic medical center designed in a modern style, with a touch of contemporary elegance. It’s a warm, discrete and welcoming facility designed to provide a soothing calm and a relaxing atmosphere. We commit to bringing you comfort and ease, as well as a full personal attention during all phases of your treatment.

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Dermal filler injections into the nasolabial fold

This patient has very deep nasolabial folds. We can smooth them thanks to dermal filler injections, which will make disappear these wrinkles around her lips.

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Yesterday we travelled to Sao Paolo, in Brazil, in order to teach our Facesculpture® concept in the country of Dr Mauricio De Maio, the MD Codes creator.

If Facesculpture® is based on a global and 3-dimensionnal facial rejuvenation approach, the MD Codes® concept is aimed to treat strategically the face with a precise definition of the entry points, regarding the anatomical data of each face. It has been created by Dr Mauricio De Maio.

Dr Mauricio Di Maio and myself have been friends from 2004 and our scientific and historic partnership are based on a long-lasting friendship and mutual respect.

Below is an article about a common participation at an aesthetic congress:

injections MD Code

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Injections of hyaluronic acid to recreate volume in cheekbones

In this video we are going to recreate volume of the cheekbones of this patient thanks to hyaluronic acid. It will bring convexity to the cheekbones and give an illusion of cheek lift in order to better attract light.

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Curve cheekbones with hyaluronic acid

We use Juvederm Voluma hyaluronic acid here to chew the cheekbones of our patient and fill her hollow cheeks. The use of a cannula allows a more gentle injection.

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What are the main trends in aesthetic medicine this year?

The first trend – it is nose injection. I specifically created and I use daily my personal method the Eiffel Tower Nose-Lift®: first we make an injection on nasal spine, to lift and support the tip of the nose, and finally, we can work on the dorsum. The concept is to begin to work with the tip of the nose, because if you reverse by injecting the dorsum firstly you will drop the tip and make the nose too long and too wide. This procedure is a new trend because it is safe – there are no vessels medially where I recommend to inject. So there is no risk of vascular complications. In addition, it’s very effective method. So it is very interesting for the patients, who don’t want to do surgery.

The second trend is to use the technology of 3D photo and modeling. We take 6 photos simultaneous of the patient, and then make face reconstitution, like you can see in the movies – complete virtual 3d picture- or with a CT-scanner. You can play with it, showing your patient the future result, you can check what is wrong, for example, the eyes, or the chin, or the temple, which is difficult to see on the regular search, or on a 2D picture.

I use this 3D photo and morphing to all my patients because it is interactive, easy to understand the patient demand, to compare the face, before and after correction.

The third new trend is the return to the Endoscopic Facelift. We have a lot of demand for mini lifting. We perform a face-lift using very short scars, small cameras and small instruments. For example, to elevate an eyebrow (Endoscopic Brow Lift) we get just 2-4 cm scar instead of 10- 15 cm. This method is less aggressive , less painful and can be done in ambulatory. For the lower part of the face, we can also use this endoscopic method with a scar of 8-9 cm compare to 30 cm scar after a traditional facelift.

The fourth innovation is Earfold® for otoplasty. Instead of traumatic traditional Otoplasty with general anesthesia, skin resection, cartilage plication and sutures, bandage for 2 weeks…we can use now a simple tungsten/gold clip, adjusted under the skin, on local anesthesia, with no downtime, to plicate and create a smart new ear. Very successful for kids or adults with a minimal damage.

The last one new trend-  it is my new website www.dr-raspaldo.com, with a new way of showing Facial plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

What are the most popular procedures among the patients inquires this year?

This year the most popular procedure is nose correction (Rhinoplasty). People want to have a beautiful nose without scars. There was a tendency the last years to do open approach – to make a cut under the tip of the nose on the columella to lift the nose and to work with the open roof- or to use traumatic machines (ultrasound, piezoelectric) to cut the bones with large dissection (undermining of the soft tissue around the nose). It was supposed that this type of nose correction will be better, but this method is very aggressive.  People don’t want a visible scar, don’t want unnecessary swelling nor traumatism of the tissue around the nose. I personally use, for 30 years, the elegant and non agressive minimal rhinoplasty that gives a very natural result. After 40-45 minutes we achieve a very natural result without huge swelling, pain or visible scar.

Also, Blepharoplasty (or eyelift) is very popular now. After years of using fillers, peelings and other non-surgical methods, people finally realized that when they have the excess of skin, fat and bags, that need to be removed — The best solution for this problem is surgery. It is an ambulatory procedure with a very short scar on the fold of the eyelid.  A lot of people think that when you use some of these non-surgical methods for periorbital area correction (like laser, deep chemical peel, Plexr) –  it is less aggressive procedures. But the truth is that Laser, deep chemical peel, or Plexr are more aggressive and cause huge swelling and inflammation. Not with an elegant and quick surgical Blepharoplasty.

Third very popular method – my FaceSculpture® concept. This is the global approach of the face. I show to the patient the 3d picture of his face and explain which problems is noticiable. Then we treat completely the whole face only with injectable: botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid. It is an art to pick the correct area to enhance and the exact amount of product to use.

The last popular method this year that is also very good is using skin boosters. I was surprised that here in Switzerland people like a lot of skin boosters, more than in French riviera.

What do you think about the skin-boosters?

I think it’s great , but not a one shoot treatment. It is the complementary treatment with botulinum toxin, fillers, and surgery. To work with good skin is better than work with rough, thin or very dry skin. Skin Boosters work, but all depends on the product. Some of them, you have to inject every week, some of them – every month or every 3 months. There are a lot of brands in the market so my choice of the booster depends on the patient skin. In the past, we thought that boosters are like the face cream but now we understand that is not. It is a really deep hydration of the skin.

Are non-surgical methods more popular now, than the plastic surgery?

According to the statistics, the popularity of the plastic surgery has grown on 3-6 % but compared to the fillers or botulinum toxin, which popularity has grown on 22-23%, it is not too much. What I see – I do now more injections for patients, especially with my FaceSculpture® method (global approach),. I do also more injection of the temple, nose and chin. These methods need less time and they cause less pain.

But after a couple of years, people understand that they have to inject botulinum toxin every six months and fillers every year. Also, they realize that when they have the sagging of the eyelid, the brows, or the neck, they have to do surgery.  I show my patients all problems on their face on the 3D image, and what can we do with it — and it increases the quantities of plastic surgery. And it’s amazing because a few years ago we were afraid that the plastic surgery may disappear. But finally, we know that more injections mean more patients – and more plastic surgery.

I see every month , some of my regular patients, or long term patients that come to ask for surgery: Endoscopic Face-Lift, non-traumatic Rhinoplasty, minimal invasive Blepharoplasty.

How do you think, which trends should be expected in the near future?

In my opinion, the deoxycholic acid injection— product for reducing the fat, it is the future trend. In some countries, it is already available. In Australia, USA, Northern European countries, Spain and Italy, this product is available for people with a heavy neck. Three sessions of this procedure lead to dissolve fat, and retract the soft tissue.

Also, the new trend that might happened is longer duration botulinum toxin. Now we have botulinum toxin for 4-6 months duration. In the near future we can expect 8-9 months or even a year duration.

We finally have got products to augment, to relax the muscles, to hydrate and to reduce the fat. My recent hope and thought are about injectable products that can retract the soft tissues. Now we can use for the retraction laser or RF-therapy, but we need something more effective and simple.

Interview made by Estet Portal :


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Male Face Correction: Aesthetic Procedures Suitable for Men

Aesthetic procedures are so popular nowadays that we see an increased demand from men requesting them. However, work with such patients has its peculiarities that should be considered by every doctor. Hervé Raspaldo, world-renowned plastic surgeon, Board Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (EAFPS), member of the French Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (SOFCPRE), knows all the nuances of treating a male face. Recently doctor Raspaldo left Cannes to open his new clinic in Switzerland. Doctor Raspaldo shared this exclusive news and gave important recommendations regarding male face correction in his interview for estet-portal.com. 

What procedures for correction of the face, in your opinion, are optimal for men and the most popular among them?

The most popular surgical procedures are those for eyes, namely upper eyelid correction. This procedure is very simple – because it is performed under local anesthesia and the downtime is only 5 days – and gives very nice results.

The second most popular procedure for men is neck correction. As a result, we obtain beautiful neck lift without long downtime – it takes just a week – and without general anesthesia. I use Twilight or local anesthesia depending on how strong the man is.

Another good procedure is the injection of deoxycholic acid (Belkyra®) in the neck for fat reduction. This treatment is new; it allows removing all the fat after 3 sessions performed every 2 or 3 months.

What should a doctor consider when working with a man’s face?

First, as well as for women, the most important is to know anatomy. Anatomy is the key. If you know how deep you are injecting, as well as where the vessels are, you get the most natural and safe results. This is number one. Also it should be taken into consideration that maybe there are more smokers among men than among women.

And there is no difference in anatomy, but there is difference in thickness if the skin – men’s skin is thicker. So you don’t see all the small details under the skin, for example around the eyes, so well, as in female patients. That is why I inject HA deep very carefully when working with a man’s face.

When dealing with male patients it is very important to understand the demand. There are men who want to look better for their job. This is the first demand. So for this we start with softer injections under the eyes, maybe reduce wrinkles around the lips and work with the neck.

The second demand could be that a man wants to look younger because he changed his life or maybe has a new wife. For this you have to talk more to understand the demand. If you do more there is a little bit more down time, like more bruises or more scars, if you do a facelift. So you have to consider this.

And the last point which I mention very often is that we have men who have different sexuality. So these people want to look perfect, really attractive, sometimes more feminine. In such cases the mentality we use to treat female patients works well.

So there are three different kinds of demands and a doctor who takes care of male patients should understand what they want and why they do it. Of course, process of performing the procedure is the same, safety is the same, and anatomy is the same, but you need to understand the demand.

Very often we treat men in my new clinic, Face Clinic Genève. For successful correction I always take into consideration all patients’ desires, as well as the important aspects of work mentioned today.

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As time goes by, the gravity catches up with us! Some people claim each of their wrinkles, knowing that every one of them has a story to tell. Others do everything in their power to hide the signs of time passing … Luckily, they have quite a range of solutions at their disposal.

Up to 60% of fine lines and wrinkles can be erased, pigment spots can be removed, and collagen tightened in less than an hour in our office.

You can see results with facial expression lines (like crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, folds between the eyebrows …) that diminish under the effect of Botox injections which smooths the wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing specific muscles (4 to 6 months).

The mouth can be reshaped, lines or wrinkles can be fillhttps://www.dr-raspaldo.com/en/our-treatments/plastic-surgery/ed with injectable implants based on hyaluronic acid, with results lasting for 3 to 12 months.

All this can improve the way the skin looks, but will not affect its structure, so cosmetic surgery will always be an alternative solution we can provide.

During the first consultation, the practitioner will discuss the procedure with you and he will suggest the best, most innovative treatment according to your needs.

Know more about plastic surgery in Geneva

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Is there an optimal solution against excessive sweating ?

What could be the secret that prevents celebrities from sweating during festivals or ceremonies?

It might be the Botulinum toxin. This treatment is very popular among people suffering from hyperhidrosis, which is the excessive armpit sweatingdue to overactive or malfunctioning glands.

Botulinum toxin is not just a wrinkle treatment. When injected inthe armpits, it canreduce the activity of the sweat glands for 6 to 8 months.

After the treatment, you can go back to wearing your favorite clothesand not worrying about underarm stains or unpleasant odors.

Did you know that stopping the toxins contained in the underarm sweat from being released isnot dangerous? Every one of us has between 1.5 and 2 m2 of skinsurface. So it’s not really a problem if you don’t sweat in this particular area.

The first consultation will allow us to discuss your specific needs. We will then be able to objectively suggest the mostappropriate treatmentsand the most innovative techniques.

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For years, our firm has been committed to a quality approach both in terms of ethics and patient satisfaction.
Thus, we are certified by the IMAL label and the ISO 9001 standard which aims to guarantee this level of requirement.

An article published in February 2018 in “FEMME ACTUELLE” speaks about it:

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Procedure of rhinoplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid

You can see here the preparation and the course of a natural medical rhinoplasty, through which we will correct the deviation of the nose, a bump or other defect by performing injections of hyaluronic acid.

At the end of the video, the result before / after shows how we were able to recreate a perfect nose simply by injections of hyaluronic acid.

The technique is essential because it must respect specific injection points to avoid the nerves running through the face.

The objective with this patient here is to correct the hump of the nose and recreate beautiful lines of projection.
We will follow the procedure of the “Eiffel Tower” concept, creating a solid base and going up the tip of the nose. We then inject in the naso-frontal angle to fill it and thus hide the hump of the nose.


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In the news

Your eyes: the new rejuvenating concept using injections

By Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, article published in the ”ANTI-ÂGE” Magasine | N°5 

Today,men and women like to spend a lot of time fortheir activities and just as much for their well-being. Surgeries that require a month long recovery is out of the question. Luckily, we have new injectables, new anesthetic products, and also non-invasive surgical techniques that allow us to provide very effective and natural-looking results, with a very short recovery time for the patients.

The practitioner will use a treatment combining:

  • -botulinum toxin injections to improve the dynamics of the muscles aroundthe eye, which harmoniously reshapes the eyebrows archand makes the eyes look wider
  • -a hyaluronic acid (HA) volumizing product to reshapethe temples, the eyebrows and the cheekbones,while still preserving the natural lookand the unique personality of each face
  • -additional HA injections to reducedark circlesandthe remainingwrinkles and to moisturize the skin.

This new concept is called the “Global Approach to Facial Rejuvenation”.

It was created and presented by a group of French experts in aesthetic injectiontreatments. A scientific consensus was published in an international medical journal.

The major and revolutionary benefits of this new concept are:

  • -the systematic and complete analysis of the face
  • -the customized diagnosis, leading to a unique treatment proposition, tailored the eachpatient and their individual needs
  • -the painless injections providing a very well-balancedand natural-looking result
  • -a rejuvenated eyes area that still maintains its natural expression

These techniques are used to treat the “lion’s wrinkles” between the eyebrows, the horizontal forehead wrinkles, the crow’s feet, the dark circles, the eyebrows, the hollow cheeks and the cheekbones. The result is subtlebut noticeable: your eyes have a more youthful appearance.

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