VECTRA or CRISALIX 3D simulation for aesthetic surgery and chin implant with hyaluronic acid

Our patients can experiment a consultation with 3-dimensional photo using the 3D Sculptor software (VECRA or CRISALIX). That can predict potential results and to be closer to patients’ needs. It will also make it possible to visualize the real results by a comparison before / after.

We can clearly appreciate in this video the chin projection , using a simple injection of hyaluronic acid, at Face Clinic Genève. We used a new special hyaluronic acid, thicker than the usual hyaluronic acids, to achieve a soft chin implant, using no surgery but only a needle.

Know more about hyaluronic acid to reshape the chin.

Video made by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgery in Geneva.

Know more about the 3D consultation.

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Surgery of the nose: corrective rhinoplasty (or nose reshaping)

This article, written by Dr. Raspaldo and published on the website, explains in detail what rhinoplasty consists in. Indeed, the patients frequently ask to have the shape of their nose corrected. From Cleopatra to Jennifer Aniston or Cyrano de Bergerac, the nose and its aesthetic appearance trigger passions without a fight. This cape, this peninsula, has been at the centre of many conversations! Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, Imaderm‘s face and neck specialised aesthetic surgeon, tells us everything we have always wanted to know about rhinoplasty, without ever daring to ask.


Dr. Raspaldo, when a patient wants to slightly modify or completely change the shape of his/her nose, which techniques do you recommend and how can one make a choice?

There are two different types of treatment: the first one is surgical, the second one is medical. Thanks to a three-dimensional technology specifically developed for the face, it is easier to determine the best option. For example, by rotating the image of the face in 3D on itself, we can record precisely the height of the bump of the nose. If the latter is too large, in other words, if the frontonasal line is too high (or if the nose is too long), injections should not be considered, at the risk of filling the frontonasal angle to the top of the eyebrows and, by doing so, to shape a too aquiline nose, similar to the one of the characters in the movie Avatar. In case of a flat and wide nose, the 3D images will determine if it is possible to create the illusion of a finer nose thanks to injections. The latter will shape a better drawn nose bridge. But if the nose is too wide, especially the tip, injections will not help making it look smaller. In this case, surgery will be more appropriate.

In case of medical rhinoplasty, what are the advantages?

The major advantage lies in the simplicity of the treatment, as there is no need to go to the operating room and no anaesthesia. Moreover, the procedure can be repeated because hyaluronic acid is a resorbable substance. The duration of the lifting effect varies from 12 to 18 months, depending on the type and dose of hyaluronic acid used. Over the time, the results always improve thanks to, among others, the production of natural collagen and fibroblasts. Finally, and this point is essential for the patients, injections are a first step, often useful when one is afraid of surgery and willing to postpone a surgical operation. Let’s precise that, after injections, a patient can always have (if wished) a surgical rhinoplasty.

What does the treatment consist in?

I have developed a technique called Eiffel Tower Nose-Lift®,with an obvious reference to the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. This technique, first and foremost, consists in observing and redrawing the tip of the nose, by injecting hyaluronic acid to correct the nasolabial angle (the line between the nose and the lips). In a woman, this angle is comprised between 100° and 110°. From 90°, we talk about a “falling tip”. We inject hyaluronic acid at the base of the nose, which corresponds to the “first floor” of the Eiffel Tower. Thanks to this first intervention, we can find, step by step, floor by floor, the ideal position of the tip of the nose, by further injecting hyaluronic acid where needed. By doing so, we can get a harmonious profile, well balanced with the forehead, the chin and the lips. The procedure is painless and takes place at my medical office, without any trauma nor social eviction. And, at last, it is less costly than a surgical rhinoplasty.

 So, what about surgical rhinoplasty?

These are performed in a clinic and require an operating room. Two different techniques currently exist. The first one is called “natural”. It lasts 1 hour on average and leaves no visible scar. Performed on an outpatient basis, the surgery takes place inside the nostrils. This method allows us to correct the imperfections of the nose and to get a natural, harmonious and artistic result, in perfect balance with the rest of the face. This flexible technique requires an excellent knowledge of the anatomy through the skin. With this surgical procedure, it is not necessary to “open the nose” to analyse and understand its imperfections (bones and cartilage). The secret is to imagine the structures under the skin and to visualise the corrections needed in order to get a result as harmonious as possible, without any devastating effect.

I also have realised many specific surgery operations called “ethnic rhinoplasty” on the nose of African, Asian, Indian or Middle-Eastern patients. I have developed a specific technique described in an article published several years ago in the journal of the ‘Société française de Chirurgie plastique et esthétique’ (French Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery). This technique is ideal when the nose is very flared and flattened with large nostrils, among others. Knowing the physical and cultural specificities, as well as the canons of beauty of each and every one, is paramount to understand and to adapt to the origins and the cultural environment of the patient.

A second type of intervention, very old and revisited in the 1990’s, can also be considered. Performed externally with a scar, it consists in ‘uncovering’ the whole nose. Then, the surgeon removes cartilage and makes grafts to support the nose. The post-operative consequences are heavier than after a “natural” rhinoplasty and the procedure lasts between 2 to 4 hours. This technique is used especially in the case of cleft lips, if the patient had several previous nose surgery operations, when his/her nose shows too many bumps or if the nose is too badly injured after an accident. Rhinoplasty is a trend in some countries, but the operation should be considered cautiously and seriously, as its aftermaths are heavy. Ideally, it is recommended, if possible, to favour the “natural” method which is less traumatic and more flexible in terms of results.


Rhinoplasty is one of the aesthetic surgery operations which can be performed in Geneva, as well as other treatments: blepharoplasty, facelift, hyaluronic acid injections, etc.

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We all have different face shapes and we would often like to correct certain aspects: a small bump on the nose, a too drooping tip, a too small chin, a profile not harmonious enough, etc. Many things that can now be treated thanks to aesthetic medicine and injections of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin.

We offer a truly comprehensive facial treatment to give it a more pleasant aspect to look at, according to the standards of beauty.

Regarding the nose, we can perform a rhinoplasty without surgery by injection, according to the principle of “Eiffel Tower Nose Lift”. Injections of hyaluronic acid will help to support a falling point and fill the hollows, thus giving the illusion of removing a bump. We redraw in this way the nose naturally.

At the chin level, we can practice injections of hyaluronic acid to redraw it. A chin too fleeing in men, or not sharp enough in women, can be improved. The double chin can also be removed with deoxicholic acid (Belkyra©) injections.

Regarding the oval of the face, we will have already worked the main elements (nose and chin for an ideal profile). Then, we will be able to work on masseter muscles that can sometimes give a jaw too square or too angular, thanks to the injection of botulinum toxin.

Read the article in the magazine “Anti Age Magazine” about facial treatment.

Read the article “Anti Age Magazine” on the treatment of the face in three points in pdf format.

 If you have any questions about cosmetic surgery in Geneva, do not hesitate to contact our medical clinic.

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It is now possible, thanks to cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine, to correct the small defects of the face. The nose in particular, is a central element that can be a source of complex. Correcting the nose without surgery is possible today.

In this video, we show how a natural medical rhinoplasty works. This rhinoplasty is without surgery, ie exclusively based on injections of hyaluronic acid into the nose. Here, our patient has a deviated nose. Injections will fill and redraw the nose. We thus give the illusion that the nose is straightened. The results are visible up to 18 months.

Video made by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgery in Geneva.

Do you want to remake your nose but are you hesitating between a natural medical rhinoplasty or surgical rhinoplasty? Would you like to know exactly what will be corrected? Do not hesitate to contact us for any request. During each consultation, we practice a 3D simulation to visualize the elements to correct and visualize the future result live.

Dr. Raspaldo’s office is a cosmetic surgery practice based in Geneva. We practice various aesthetic treatments such as botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections. But also cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelifts, surgical rhinoplasties, blepharoplasties, etc.

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The skin under the eyes, the so-called ‘eye outline’, is a very fragile area and one of the first to show signs of ageing. It is necessary to intervene gently and to worry about it in time. The goal will be to revive, lighten or simply give a boost to a fatigued look.

Hollow (or sunken) eyes… What is it actually?
Hollow eyes result from a lack of fat in the area around the eyes. In most cases, it affects the upper eyelid, but also the lower eyelid. If the pockets of fat under the eyes give a tired look, hollow eyes can contribute to a sick appearance.

Lipofilling offers a definitive and natural-looking solution to freshen up the look, conceal dark circles under the eyes and lift up falling eyebrows.

What is lipofilling?

Lipofilling, also called Coleman’s method or nano-fat grafting, is a gentle cosmetic surgery operation. It consists of using a small amount of excess fat in the body (neck, knee, abdomen, for example) to re-inject it (after purification of more or less fine fat particles by filtering or centrifugation) in the hollow under the eyes, in the cheekbones area, in the chin, or simply to boost the skin. Using ultrafine cannulas guarantees the absence of scars. Most of the time, the patient is locally anesthetized and the result is clearly visible after just a few weeks.

Learn more about the treatment of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

If you have any questions about cosmetic surgery, do not hesitate to contact our medical clinic in Geneva.

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After years, facial skin and muscles tend to lose their elasticity. Wrinkles appear: dynamic wrinkles on forehead, glabella and crows feet. Sagging of soft tissue: drooping eyebrows, midface fat pads, cheeks, and neck drooping.

So many signs of ageing that we can correct elegantly and softly with a minimal invasive surgery.
One the best new surgical option is: the endoscopic browlift.

In this video, we explain where are incisions (very discrete behind tragus and hidden in the hair follicules), and which instruments we use.
Endoscopic browlift is a great evolution of technology : a mini video-camera and specific endoscopic facelift instruments allow precise and sure dissection and facial muscle corrections.
The endoscopic facelift will pool up the dynamic muscles, smooth the wrinkles of the forehead and around the eyes, raise the eyebrows, and retighten the entire skin of the face and neck.

Know more about endoscopic facelift.

Feel free to contact Dr Hervé Raspaldo, surgeon in Geneva.

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In the field of visual arts like sculpture and painting, beauty refers to a set of rules in terms of proportions and dimensions.

By extension, beauty is defined in the same way, and consists of almost divine proportions, at least according to the standards of a particular period of time in History.

But your beauty is timeless and knows no borders, whatever your age. Even if some faces become thinner, they still keep their radiance…

Your complexion has to look fresh in all circumstances, flawless, with or without make-up! Your life must be healthy, tobacco-free, and driven by passion! Different concerns come with each age, and cosmetic surgery is to be considered as one of your closest ally to help you maturing smoothly and in all confidence.

Beauty is actually a question of attitude, behaviour and philosophy of living.

As a cosmetic surgeon in Geneva, Dr. Raspaldo places the concept of ‘beauty and proportions’ at the heart of his concerns. In the framework of his research around the concept of “Heart of Face”, which later gave birth to the “Facesculpture” one, the harmony of the dynamics and volumes of the face, and the texture of the skin are key elements to a global rejuvenation of the face.

If you want to know more about facial rejuvenation by injections, do not hesitate to contact us

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Dr. Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon specialized in Face and Neck, presents his Faceclinic in Geneva, Switzerland, in an interview conducted by “Anti-Age Magazine”.

He explains the reception that is reserved for patients through a one hour consultation with 3D morphing session to analyze the face in 3 dimensions.

He also exhibits the different aesthetic treatments he performs in Geneva:
– botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid injections
nose surgery and natural medical rhinoplasty
eyelid surgery
treatment of the protuded ears

Learn more about Dr. Raspaldo’s Faceclinic practice in Geneva.

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Human beings need rhythm and changes to exist. 

The alternation between day and night, for instance, is fundamental. The days, the weeks, a year that ends, another that begins, are crucial beacons in time. They allow us to apprehend our environment and our existence.

The transition to a new year also places us in a universal dimension, because humanity as a whole is concerned.

The temporality of the universe is the same for all of us. This brings us back to a certain form of humility, as we realise we are just individuals. But it also triggers a strong feeling, a sense of belonging to a community of more than six billion people.

December 31st is an important milestone in the year. It means taking the time… to take the time, among others to whish a happy new year to our beloved ones!

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Belkyra®: a brand new treatment to get rid of a double chin

This procedure is a major breakthrough in aesthetic treatments to melt fat below the chin and in the neck area. Belkyra®, or deoxicholic acid, can eliminate an embarrassing and unsightly double chin which can appear because of ageing, weight gain or hormonal disorders.

Until now, there were few solutions to remove chin and neck fat. Liposuction was used, but to a very small extent. Deoxicholic acid is naturally present in the body and facilitates the absorption of fats by the intestines.

As an aesthetic treatment, it is used to get rid of fat (or adipocytes). The clinical studies carried out so far prove the effectiveness of the treatment for a lasting loss of chin and neck fat.

Learn more about the non-surgical treatment of double chin.

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The look is a key element to a harmonious and beautiful face. Therefore, we all seek solutions to intensify, rejuvenate and magnify it.

The Imaderm clinic, the consulting practice where we welcome you, has published a very interesting article on the matter. It deals with the different methods which exist to magnify the look.

Imaderm offers aesthetic solutions such as eyelashes extensions, dermopigmentation or the permanent shaping of eyelashes. Imaderm also proposes the Chic Lift®, an in-house solution to rejuvenate the look thanks to injections :

‘To correct and repair the damages of ageing, Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, a well-seasoned practitioner, has designed an innovative technology. Thanks to a 3D-device, he provides the patients with a real subtle sculpture of their face, which enables them to interactively view the imperfections of their look. By dint of analysing pictures of models, I have discovered a form of C invariably present around their eyes. To recreate this C, it is necessary to fill the dark circles, the cheeks, the temples, the eyebrows and the forehead zones in a harmonious and discreet way with hyaluronic acid and Botox injections. I have called this treatment Chic Lift®, as it automatically magnifies the look of patients’, summarises Dr. Raspaldo.”

Read the full version of the article published by Imaderm (only available in French).

Watch our video and discover ‘in real time’ the injections given in the frame of a Chic Lift®.

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Dr. Raspaldo, surgeon dedicated to Face et Neck in Geneva, has been interviewed by “Anti-Age Magazine” in his clinic, in the center of Geneva.
With the contribution of two patients, we present the essential points to reshape the oval of the face: a well drawn nose, a projected chin, a reduction of the masseter muscles and a reduction of the fat under the neck (thanks to Belkyra).
Thanks to the injections of hyaluronic acid, you do not have to go through a heavy surgery to obtain a natural and immediate result.
Our 1st patient complains about the shape of his chin, our 2nd patient complains about her nose. We first make a 3D simulation to analyze the features, define the best treatment and visualize the result.
1- Projection of the chin by injection of hyaluronic acid:
Volumizing hyaluronic acid is injected into the chin to project it, allowing it to be straightened and to make the underside of the chin thiner.
2- Correction of the nose hump, projection of the tip and correction of the asymmetry:
Hyaluronic acid is injected into the naso-frontal angle in order to fill it and give the illusion of a diminished hump. We inject into the tip of the nose and the naso-labial angle to straighten it, project it and give a nice support to the nose.
Finally, we correct the asymmetry of the nose by injecting into the axis to restore a nice balance.
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