An increasing number of men are having cosmetic treatments or surgery. Dr Hervé Raspaldo, a specialist face and neck surgeon who founded the Face Clinic in Geneva, gives us an insight into the types of procedure that have become popular among men.

The shape of the eyebrows for men

Some men want to correct the shape of their eyebrows primarily for social reasons. To make the eye area as attractive and harmonious as possible, the eyebrows should be positioned horizontally and should not be too raised. Botulinum toxin injections are the best way of achieving this. In the professional world, this straightforward treatment – which leaves no bruising, swelling or visible marks – is a great asset for anyone who wants to make their personality more positive or open, and it also rejuvenates their appearance and makes them more attractive. In addition to significantly reducing fine lines, wrinkles and expression lines, the botulinum toxin softens their resting face, erasing certain negative expressions such as glabella lines and forehead lines. We are even seeing more and more couples seeking treatment together.

Eyelids surgery for men

The eyelids play an essential role in the aesthetics of the eye area. When the botulinum toxin is no longer effective, the eyebrows and eyelids start to droop. In this case, upper eyelid surgery – called blepharoplasty – is a very straightforward and highly recommended procedure. The operation only takes an hour, is performed in outpatient surgery, and involves removing any excess skin and fat. The scars are located in the eyelid fold and are therefore practically invisible. It is worth bearing in mind that some super cial marks (post-treatment bruising and swelling) will be visible for at least two weeks after treatment.

As for lower eyelid surgery – which is most often carried out under potentiated local anaesthetic and in outpatient surgery – the aim is to get rid of any unsightly under-eye bags by going through the inside of the conjunctiva; this is what we call trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty. It leaves no visible marks or scars. Thanks to this method, we can achieve natural-looking and permanent results. It is worth noting that we can operate on the upper and lower eyelids in the same session. In the Face Clinic Geneva, we often perform “double eyelid surgery”, a choice treatment for Asian men, which allows us to create a digni ed-looking fold above the eyelid.

Neck treatments for men

Our neck really gives away our true age. Its shape can also be a problem if the patient has a weak chin. We can correct it by using a 2.0 technology, with 3D photos and morphing to accurately digitalise and give a rough idea of the projected result. The neck treatment technique mainly involves removing any excess fat with deoxycholic acid injections or through liposuction. A three-point neck lift (without any scars in front of the ears) might also be considered.

To improve the results, or in the case of a weak chin, we inject a new type of hyaluronic acid that is very thick, very cohesive and stable, in order to create a better structure. The product acts a bit like a exible prosthetic. This is called medical genioplasty. Neck treatments o er fantastic results and give patients a quick and noticeable boost of youthfulness.

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The previous videos showed the preparation and the intervention for placing Earfold clips.
We now discover the result: the ears are pinned, and without heavy intervention. Our patient will be able to continue the course of her day normally, her ears will resume a natural appearance in a few hours.

Know more about the earfold treatment for protruding ears.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video made by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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The previous video showed trials using PreFold clips to determine the placement of the EarFold clips.
In this video, we show how we proceed to set up the Earfold clips.
We first use local anesthesia of the ear using our Juvapen electronic syringe.
We then position the clips under the skin on the auricle area (anthelix).
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, during only 15 minutes, and leaves only a mini , almost invisible scar.
The next video will show the result in live just after the intervention.

Know more about the earfold treatment for protruding ears.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video made by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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The protruding ears are often a source of complex, especially for teenagers.
It is now possible to correct protruding ears without heavy plastic surgery, thanks to Earfold clips.

This first part of this video shows first of all the tests that we do with PreFold clips allowing us to determine where to place future Earfold clips and how many clips.
In the next video, we will show the cosmetic act.

Know more about the earfold treatment for protruding ears.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video made by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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This video shows a cosmetic treatment of medical genioplasty, which allows us to reshape the chin of our patient naturally, without plastic surgery. We use hyaluronic acid fillers injections into the chin and the mandibular contour (jawline contouring). We will be able to project the chin forward while removing existing dimples. The profile of our patient is thus improved.

More about medical genioplasty here.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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Over the years, skin and fat accumulate on the upper eyelid.

This melting of volume and distended skin forms what is commonly called “the cap”. The upper eyelid becomes heavy, the palpebral fold is hidden and make-up becomes more difficult.

There is a cosmetic surgery which allows to treat this problem: blepharoplasty, the eyelid surgery.

The result of blepharoplasty is extremely significant for all patients who felt complexed by the effect of a cap and drooping eyelid that closes the eyes. The eyelid is naturally repositioned, the eyes are 10, 15 or even 20 years younger.

Before any treatment, we will proceed a 3D consultation in order to evaluate your needs and to have an idea of what you face will look like thanks to a simulation of your eyelid surgery.

Feel free to contact us for any question and come to visit our aesthetic clinic in Geneva.

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A double chin is a cluster of localized fat, often associated with platysma muscle bands, covered by an excess of skin, deforming the jawline contour. To correct this disgrace, anterior cervicofacial lift (our new “3 points Lift”) is an option that allows to target the surgical procedure at the chin and avoid scars behind the ears. Young patients who want a slimmer neck or men who want to make a discreet improvement to their face are perfectly eligible for this procedure.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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Botulinum toxin is a muscle relaxant. It allows to have such an effective action on wrinkles since the facial muscles will not remain permanently contracted, and wrinkles will not be visible anymore.

Originally, before aesthetic indications on dynamic wrinkles, botulinum toxin was only used to treat neurological, ophthalmological and oto-rhino-laryngological disorders. In this video, our patient suffers from involuntary spasms of the eye and her hemiface. We practice injections of botulinum toxin at the corner of the eye to relax the orbicularis muscle, injections into the frontalis muscle, and injections into the zygomatic muscle and orbicularis ori muscle above the upper lip.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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You find your cheekbones too flat and your face lacks relief? It is possible to increase the volume of the cheekbones by cosmetic surgery. 

Have a look at a live video recorded operation of aesthetic surgery of malar implant. By placing a soft silicone implants, deeply under muscles, on top the cheekbone, we obtain a higher relief and a lazy curve for flat cheekbones. We get an harmonious triangular face, like “heart shape face” or “HeArt of face®”.

There are other non-surgical alternatives to increase cheekbones: lipofilling (macro fat grafting, nanofat) or hyaluronic acid injection into the cheekbones.

In order to appreciate the potential results of your operation, we offer our patients a 3-dimensional photo consultation, thanks to the VECTRA 3D Sculptor software ( on PC) and CRISALIX (on mobile iPad). This allows to be closer to expectations by understanding and visualizing the request. And thus be able to visualize the potential results by a comparison before / after.

Discover the aesthetic consultation in 3 dimensions.

Video mad by Dr. Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon in Geneva.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or appointment.

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In this video we can see how we proceed for a bichectomy in order to partially or totally remove the Bichat’s fat pad. This surgical procedure involves a small incision inside the cheek. It can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. We thus get a thinner face.

Learn more about the bichectomy.

Video of cosmetic surgery in Geneva, made by Doctor Hervé Raspaldo.

Dr. Raspaldo’s office is a cosmetic surgery practice based in Geneva. We practice various aesthetic treatments such as botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections. But also cosmetic surgery procedures such as facelifts, surgical rhinoplasties, blepharoplasties, etc.

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This kind of surgical genioplasty, is done with a permanent specific chin implant.

We insert a soft silicone prothesis to project the chin forward , through an invisible scar into the mouth. The objective is to reshape nicely a too short chin (microgenia). Done on local and sedation anesthesia, ambulatory procedure, Result is very natural , permanent , not painful , with a short social eviction of one day only.

Last but not least, we can obtain a Neck lift by projecting, with the chin implant , the length of the mandibule and pulling on the platysma muscle. This surgical procedure can be combined with a lower face and neck liposuccion and even with a corset-plasty neck lift. Other surgical Alternative is macro -micro-Nano fat grafting on the chin, or Lipostructure.

Know more about genioplasty.

Need more information? Feel free to contact us for any question.

Know more about Doctor Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon at Geneva.

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