The last part of this demonstration of medical rhinoplasty is devoted to discussions and questions that doctors can have in order to reproduce this procedure safely with their patients.
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
The last part of this demonstration of medical rhinoplasty is devoted to discussions and questions that doctors can have in order to reproduce this procedure safely with their patients.
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
We now proceed to the injection of the dorsum, to fill the hollow at the naso-frontal angle nose thus gives the illusion that the hump has disappeared. We also correct the slight hollow above the tip of the nose. We technically called that zone: the “nasal supra-tip”. At the end, we model the hyaluronic acid. We thus have a beautiful dorsal edge on profile view and, on a frontal view, a perfect line.
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
We start the medical rhinoplasty procedure with an injection in the nasolabial angle in order to have a nice projection of the nasal tip and to have less product to inject to hide the dorsal bump. Injection needs to be very slow and gentle in order to anesthetize immediately the area to be treated. The anesthesia product is named Lidocaine. It is incorparted into the hyaluronic acid gel. That really helps to have pain-free injections. under the columella We use the same injection entry point at the nasolabial angle because that area is already numbed thanks to the Lidocaine. We inject higher, towards the columella, to project the tip of the patient’s nose. We now have a nice open nasolabial nose, characteristic of a perfect shape and an elegant nose.
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
The patient shows a slight bump and a drooping tip on her nose that she wishes to correct. To perform a nose injection session on that video we first started to explain the procedure, the Eiffel Tower Nose Lift, technical procedure of medical rhinoplasty which I created. It consists in firstly opening the nasolabial angle (angle between nose and upper lip) to lift the nasal tip and to create a solid base which will then support a beautiful dorsal edge. I then drew on the patient ‘s face to remember the important anatomical landmarks, and the position of different facial arteries., to show where they are . In consequence, safe injections must be done medially.
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
Tomorrow I will the honor to participate in the London aesthetic congress. I will present my work there on the Nose Lift (medical rhinoplasty), and I will carry out a demonstration of jawline contouring injections, related to the high demand from Millennials.
Discover an exclusive video interview !
“Millennials”, or “generation Y”, refers to people in the 80s and 90s, graduates of higher education, very connected, committed and sensitive to environmental issues. In the world of cosmetic surgery, millennials are increasingly in demand for beautification, transformation and contouring treatments.
Learn more about medical rhinoplasty in Switzerland.
Learn more about jawline contouring in Geneva.
Dear readers,
With this post, I would like to pay a personal tribute to Doctor Guy Jost, who passed away on January 16, 2020, at the age of 93.
He has been a mentor for several generations of French and foreign surgeons.
Born in 1927, this French surgeon, trained in ENT and head and neck surgery, was known worldwide in the 70s and 80s as one of the pioneers of plastic surgery of the
face and neck, in particular cosmetic surgery of the nose and cervico-facial lift. He ardently participated in the development and recognition of facial cosmetic surgery and was president of the SoFCPRE (French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery) in 1981.
His original and incisive spirit was already noticed when he was internal to Dr Redon, by inventing the suction drain, so useful in the aftermath of facelifts.
For a long time head of department at Lariboisière Hospital in Paris, he devoted himself to plastic surgery and in particular to cosmetic surgery of the nose, which he methodically modernized. He published, in fact, a new procedure allowing to modify the nose in all its parameters by internal and invisible incisions. This respects all tissues and also the integrity of the mucous membrane for better breathing. He then
develops extra-mucosal rhinoseptoplasty.
He wrote and co-wrote several works such as “Atlas of cosmetic surgery” in 1975, “Plastic and aesthetic surgery” in 1990, “History of plastic surgery” in 2003 or “Annals of plastic and aesthetic surgery” in 2004.
He was a real character. Between the 70s and 90s, he attended all the symposia, all the international congresses. His voice carried, strong and grave. And his ideas commanded respect from American surgeons, which was no easy feat. Dr. Jost was feared and respected.
In December 1988, I was able to participate in my first major world conference of the International Society of Asthetic Plastic Surgery in Paris. Dr. Guy Jost was the President. It was, then, my very first course on rhinoplasty: impressive.
In September 1993, still in Paris, I had the honor of presenting my research on the subject of "Deep cervico-facial lifting: anatomical evaluation". It was a conference given at the City of Sciences and Industry, under the chairmanship of Dr. Guy Jost.
At the time, it was an ordeal and an honor to be able to walk through the doors of international congresses of this kind, to be able to show your techniques, and to be able to interact with the best cosmetic surgeons in the world.
I still practice, today, his rhinoplasty technique without visible scar, as well as his facelifts with muscle re-tensioning.
He is a great man who left us today and who will have marked the history of our profession.
My most sincere tributes,
Dr Raspaldo
This Friday 2/7/20, we are going to celebrate in Nice the 80 years of Professor François Demard, whose brilliant career commands respect.
Former holder of the cervico-maxillofacial chair at the University of Nice, he was my first professor of surgery, my first university boss and one of the great men to follow.
Pr. Demard directed the Antoine Lacassagne center in Nice between 1985 and 1996, and was behind the creation of the University Institute for Face and Neck. This service later became the first service in France specializing in Face and Neck Surgery. François Demard received the Legion of Honor badges in 2018.
It was thanks to him that I decided in 1978 to move towards a career as a surgeon.
Let me tell you the story and the birth of a passion!
During one of the countless lectures given at the time, in the first year of medicine, we were feverishly awaiting a course in Head and Neck Anatomy. More than 900 students filled the benches of the Faculty of Medicine of Nice in the large amphitheater, avenue de Vallombrose, in an indescribable heckling. No tablet in these time immemorial, no smartphone, not even laptop. Notebook, pen, ears, big mouths and wide-open brains!
As soon as Professor François Demard enters, suddenly there is silence. A silence of respect, of admiration in front of his presence and his elegance.
The course then takes place in a fluid, clear, luminous way: the bones of the skull and spine, the muscles of the face and neck, the incredible vessels and nerves of
complexity, appear simple and obvious to us.All this illustrated by precise drawings, made with colored chalk, on a huge double blackboard 2 meters high and 10m wide, without the slightest hesitation or the slightest correction: a pictorial and anatomical masterpiece is reveals to our eyes young students. All in a communicative good humor, a faconde and a good oratorical ease. Result: the complex anatomy of the head and neck becomes a passion to explore and becomes obvious for the rest of my career: I would be a surgeon … like this gentleman. my path is being traced, to follow in the footsteps of this great man, without my knowing it yet.
I actually followed this path a few years later, in 1984, after successfully completing my internship competition. Once my internal diploma in specialized surgery in my pocket, I naturally made my first choice of internship in surgery in his department in 1984; then 5 years of training. Pr. Demard then appointed me his Head of Clinic- assistant of hospitals between 1989 and 1991 in his Department of Face and Neck Surgery in Nice. I am very pleased to attend, with my colleagues and friends, all of his former students, the birthday celebration of this great gentleman.
From April 2 to 4, the 18th Monaco Congress will be held on aesthetic and anti-aging medicine. This is an opportunity to take an interest in the growing phenomenon of Millennials.
The term “millennial” or “generation Y” refers to people born in the 80s and 90s, graduated, very connected, committed and sensitive to environmental issues. In the world of cosmetic surgery, millennials are increasingly in demand for anti-aging treatments.
This is precisely the purpose of the next Monaco congress, whose main subject is:
“Get to know Millenial patients: from facial contouring to improving the skin quality”.
This congress will go through a number of subjects, through the following program, in which I participate about the nose and medical rhinoplasty:
It will be an amazing symposium with lot of tips and tricks!
Know more about medical rhinoplasty.
Know more about jawline contouring.
In this video, we are doing a cartilage graft from the back of the pinna to improve the bridge of the nose (or the dorsal side of the nose).
This type of rhinoplasty is performed in the case of excessively hollow noses, for uneven noses, for in restorative rhinoplasties, or for “ethnic” noses (Asian, African, Arab, Latin noses …).
Know more about surgical rhinoplasty.
In this video, we can see how a lip injection session takes place. The hyaluronic acid helps to restore contour and adéquate volume of the lips, while filling the small wrinkles above the lips, as well as the nasolabial fold. The lips are plumped and well-definedKnow more about lips injections by hyaluronic acid.
FaceSculpture© is a concept of beauty of the face as a whole. After a detailed facial analysis, we develop a global treatment plan based on injections of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin. We will be able to recreate reliefs, volumes, play on the shadows and lights and make the face a beautiful harmony.
The Wosiam site (World Society of interdisciplinary aesthetics & anti-aging medicine) presents a video of FaceSculpture© treatment:
SEE the video of the global treatment of the face.
We perform contouring (or profiloplasty) of the chin and jaws, as well as the upper and middle part of the face. The Chic Lift© is a good way to redraw the upper part of the face by raising the eyebrows, working on the temples and the entire outline of the eye. The Eiffel Tower Nose Lift©, or natural medical rhinoplasty, makes it possible to harmonize the nose.
Learn more about FaceSculpture© of the face.
Learn more about the Chic Lift© look.
Learn more about natural rhinoplasty.