Dr Raspaldo

Reducing the crow’s feet

botulinum toxin injections to reduce the crow’s feet

Wrinkles, whether superficial or deep, are signs of years passing. They occur because of skin aging, sometimes accelerated by external factors such as sun exposure, pollutants, alcohol and stress. The skin progressively loses elasticity and starts developing wrinkles.

The eye area is generally the first one showing wrinkles, because the skin is particularly thin.

Crow’s feet are mainly caused by the frequent muscle contractions when we smile. They are also called dynamic wrinkles, or “laugh lines”.

The good news is that we can easily treat the Crow’s feet condition with botulinum toxin injections : they help relaxing the muscles and naturally smooth the wrinkles, giving the whole eye area an improved appearance.

botulinum toxin has indeed a particularly efficient action because it doesn’t treat the wrinkle itself but the muscle which is responsible for it, reducing its contraction.

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Dr Raspaldo

Body / Silhouette

Dr. Raspaldo offers two treatments against two problems that you may encounter: limiting sweating with botulinum toxin, and reducing localized fat deposits through cryolipolysis

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In the press

Prime Magazine – Guest Editorial – Hervé Raspaldo

THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE FOR AESTHETIC AROUND THE WORLD IS to creat a universal language of beauty.

The pace of technical development is stable enough to provide materials and devices to create new templates for modern aesthetic and face sculpting, which is particulary useful for the new artistic advanced approach of facial beautification.
As an international key opinion leader, I feel safe and effective using the new generation of hyaluronic acids around the eyes, in the lips end the nose.
There are lot of good products available on the market. My experience is mainly based on the use of Juvéderm® VOLBELLA® and VOLIFT®, developed after the success of VOLUMA® (using the same VYCROSS® technology). The results one can achieve are effective, natural, safe, and have a minimal downtime. All this only serves to increase patient satisfaction.
The level of sugical skills-such as rhinoplasty, facelift, and blepharoplasty-enable the modern practioner to operate new protocols in a completely new way ; fulfilling the expectations of patients on a global scale.
In fact, this is the most crucial part for the industry’s development : the expectations of our patients have changed completely. The modern language of beauty is more unified.
I have had the chance and priviliege to be in touch with and to learn from a number of different cultures, and find that the influence of Asia-Pacific is continually growing.
Despite this, patients from China, Japan, India, Australia, America, Europe, the Middle East and South Afica seem to look for the same template with regard to design (from surgical perspective). However, notwithstanding their inherited deffirences in bone and tissue structure, the result is always very natural.
Hervé Raspaldo
Facial Plastic Surgeon, France

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In the press



The impeccably turned-out Dr Raspaldo is a surgeon who is also one of the world’s top injectors (he is a master at employing filler around the delicate eye area).

He’s famed for his Faceculpture – a liquid facelift that uses expertly placed botulinum toxin and fillers to eradicate a weary face in less than an hour.

The effects last up to 18 months. And for his surgical Velvet Lift he uses endoscopic instruments to pull up deep soft tissue, which reduces scars. Post film festival, actresses flock to him for an organic rhinoplasty – dissolvable dressing and natural, biodegradable grafts reduce the risk of injection and speed up healing. And… cut !

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In the press

Nose, cheekbone, lips: surgery for a sexy face

ust like your body, your face can be sexy too. There are numerous techniques available that reshape the nose, enhance the cheekbones, and plump up the lips. A global approach for the whole face that combines injections of hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin and surgery, making you feel beautiful and boosting your self-confidence.

For the nose: surgical or medical rhinoplasty
Everybody knows about surgical rhinoplasty, but did you know that medical rhinoplasty also exists? This procedure uses filling products, and is suitable for patients w Medical rhinoplasty, unlike surgical rhinoplasty, enable us to improve the shape of the nose without resorting to plastic surgery. Although it cannot compare with reparative surgery for changing the shape of the nose, it can be used for small imperfections and altering the dynamic anatomy of the nose. It can rectify any anomalies resulting from repeated operations on the nose, when further operations would prove difficult, as well as some minor deformations. Patients undergo this type of procedure to rectify skin indentations on the bridge or tip of the nose, slight asymmetry at the tip, a slight bump that alters the curve of the nose, a flat bridge, etc…
On the technical side, it involves injecting hyaluronic acid to straighten the line of the nose by subtly filling and thus erasing any hollows, or to open up the nasolabial angle while rounding the tip of the nose. The pressure from inside helps to raise the tip of the nose by lifting up the cartilage on the side of the nostrils, which will consequently “roll” upwards.
To gently shape the thin cartilage that makes up the framework of the nose, the surgeon slims down the tip and erases any bump. The procedure causes little swelling and no pain.

For the cheekbones: malar implants and fillers
The cheekbones can lose volume and this highlights the nasolabial fold, causing bags under the eyes. There are two ways of making the cheekbones look good again : implants and fillers.
Cheekbone implants are called malar implants, and are slid into place through the mouth. Patients must undergo a full dental examination beforehand in order to avoid all risk of infection.
Beautiful cheekbones can also be achieved using carefully-placed injections of hyaluronic acid to gently increase the volume of the cheekbones. This technique is suitable for correcting the thinning of soft tissue, but less so for treating weak bone structure.

For the lips: plumpling and shaping with fillers
Here too, the use of fillers injected into the lips is recommended. The lips may be naturally thin or have thinned out over time. Hyaluronic acid is a quick and efficient technique used to plum up the lips in a shapely and natural way.
Hervé Raspaldo
Specialist in Surgery of the Face and Neck in Cannes since 1992. Fomer Hospital Intern and Former Registrar of the University (1984) and Hospital practitioner. Member of the American Academy of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Office of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery

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Comment éviter l’impact de la ménopause sur le visage ?

En plus des sautes d’humeur, de l’insomnie et de la prise de poids chez les femmes d’un certain âge, la ménopause peut aussi faire des ravages sur la peau.

Les rides profondes, les poches et la sécheresse ne sont que quelques-uns des problèmes exacerbés par les changements hormonaux pendant ce temps.
Au cours de la ménopause, les niveaux d’hormones entraîne un vieillissement accéléré de la peau, ce qui va l’affaisser. La production d’acide hyaluronique chute également, entraînant un assèchement.

Commencer un programme de maintenance au début de la trentaine est le plus gros investissement que vous puissiez faire pour votre peau.

La capacité de la peau à se réparer et remplacer le collagène diminue à mesure que les niveaux d’oestrogène chutent. C’est la cause sous-jacente des rides accentuées sur des zones telles que le front, les yeux et la bouche.

Les premières rides dynamiques deviennent visibles au début de la trentaine, c’est ainsi que la toxine botulique ( botulinum toxin ) peut être utilisé pour les détendre.

Tandis que le produits de comblement vont stimuler la production de nouveau collagène avec un traitement répété, de sorte que vous pouvez contrer les rides plus profondes qui vont se développer plus tard.

Avoir l’air plus jeune oui, mais cela peut aussi repousser l’acte chirurgical.

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Demonstration of drawings before botulinum toxin and Hyaluronic Acid injections

In this video, made during a conference in Paris for professionals in Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery, we analyze the face of this patient and proceed to the drawings to show the specific areas of injections. Once the entry points are identified, we will inject botulinum toxin, Hyaluronic Acid and Voluma.

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Injections in the bitterness wrinkle

In this video we see how we will be able to fill the bitterness wrinkle of this patient (or nasolabial fold) by injections of hyaluronic acid. Cool Sense is used to anesthetize the cold area to be injected.

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