This kind of surgical genioplasty, is done with a permanent specific chin implant.
We insert a soft silicone prothesis to project the chin forward , through an invisible scar into the mouth. The objective is to reshape nicely a too short chin (microgenia). Done on local and sedation anesthesia, ambulatory procedure, Result is very natural , permanent , not painful , with a short social eviction of one day only.
Last but not least, we can obtain a Neck lift by projecting, with the chin implant , the length of the mandibule and pulling on the platysma muscle. This surgical procedure can be combined with a lower face and neck liposuccion and even with a corset-plasty neck lift. Other surgical Alternative is macro -micro-Nano fat grafting on the chin, or Lipostructure.
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Know more about Doctor Hervé Raspaldo, cosmetic surgeon at Geneva.